Sunday, January 13, 2013


                We’re among a tribe of fifty or so proto-humans, around 50,000 years ago, living in a clearing in the semi-forested plains of Eastern Africa. One of the males is bigger and stronger than the others – he wears the dried skin of a large gazelle which he killed by himself. All the others, male and female, go naked, their copious body hair just about protecting them against the chilly savannah nights. Two females, one quite a bit older than the other, and their offspring, gravitate around the alpha male; the other males rarely make the mistake of approaching them sexually, nor do these females ever solicit sexual attentions themselves except from their mate.
                One of the brighter, livelier young males – we’ll call him Beta Male Three, as neither names nor language have yet been invented – has reached manhood: his voice has deepened, his hair has thickened and coarsened, his penis has become fully and longer. He’s marked this milestone by going out into the bush and killing an antelope by himself; bringing it back to the community, he announces (partly with sounds, partly through gestures) that he is ready to join with a woman.
                He knows already which one he wants: the daughter of the second most powerful male, the most likely to topple the ‘chief’ in the near future. She, too – let’s call her Beta Female Two – is ripe and ready. ßM3 can see for himself that her breasts and buttocks are full and nicely rounded, and her eyes bright, particularly when she looks at him.
                So they take themselves off into the bush to mate many, many times over the next few weeks. ßM3 is a happy man: when out hunting, or clearing scrub, or even when going out into the bush to relieve himself, the image of ßF2 comes constantly into his mind. He can see her bright, happy eyes, feel her soft breasts against his rough pelt, and her warm moist sex pushing against him, enclosing him. (As is becoming increasingly common at that time, they usually copulate face-to-face.)
                And ßF2 also constantly sees his image before her: his powerful shoulders, his white teeth, his eagerness for her body, his shout as he comes inside her. And she caresses her growing belly, happy in a way she could never have imagined before…
                But the months which follow the birth of their child are uneasy and difficult. A long drought has settled on the savannah, and the antelopes and gazelles have died, or migrated to distant marshlands. Every time ßM3 and the other males have to travel further to find food, every time they bring back less. Following all these disruptions, the community have a new leader now: the father of ßF2 has defeated the old man with the gazelle skin, and has confiscated his two wives. Though he proudly wears a magnificent leopard pelt, the new chief cannot make the rain come, or the animals return, and a dull lassitude, mixed with anxiety, settles on the tribe.
                Still, ßM3 and ßF2 always make sure that the least meagre and fly-ridden tidbit of flesh is given to their little boy. Though his parents are only in their mid-teens by our reckoning, he represents a future that they will probably not live to see.
                But worse is still to come: the famine has caused another of the nearby communities to break up altogether. A ‘rogue’ group of young men have taken to wandering around the plains, searching for animals, searching above all for women. They come upon the old males, the females and children during the day, while the other males are out hunting – such is the shortage of prey that even the chief has had to take part. In the battle that follows two of the invaders are stabbed to death with sharpened sticks, but the other four manage to carry off ßF2 and one other young female. (The child doesn’t interest them; fortunately he is rescued and cared for by his grandmother.)
                When ßM3 returns with the other men, and learns what has happened, he is devastated. Lying down that night, by himself, he cannot sleep for rage and sorrow – his only hope is that they haven’t killed her.
                In the weeks that follow he stays out hunting for longer than ever; now he is searching for human, as well as animal prey. And when he comes home, tired as he is, there’s no woman to receive him, to slake his ever-mounting desire. He dreams constantly of his young mate, but that only makes his pain harder to bear, his passion more urgent. His hungry eyes scan the other women in the community: all are too old, too young, already spoken for, except …
                No one would take her as a mate: her mother, too, was half-crazy, squinting and muttering; whoever her father was, he had never staked a claim to her. We’ll call her Gamma Female One, to indicate her position in the hierarchy: always hungry, always the last to be fed, slightly stooped, always looking out fearfully, hopefully from large brown eyes. Now that he is available again, she looks long and expectantly at ßM3 every time he walks past; sometimes she touches her genitals suggestively.
                So eventually he mates with her: roughly, hastily, brutally compared with the embraces he enjoyed with ßF2 – even as he comes inside GF1, the image of his lost love floats before him, and he is once more stabbed to the heart. He gets up hastily, wiping himself with a leaf, leaving the girl in a ragged heap on the ground. Nonetheless, he comes back and takes her again a few days later.
                Meanwhile, ßF2 has no choice but to mate, with the alpha male among the young men who carried her away. But her heart, too, is broken – even more than her former partner, since she has lost not only him but also her child. Whenever she has a moment’s solitude she closes her eyes and, weeping, imagines the three of them all together again.

The conclusion of the story depends, of course, on whether or not the two original lovers are reunited. Let’s look at both possibilities:
Scenario 1
                A few days later the men, out hunting, come across one of the kidnappers. They force him to show them where their women are; greatly outnumbering the others, they have no difficulty in recapturing ßF2 and the other young woman, joyfully killing their captors in the process.
                Reunited with ßM3 and with her child, ßF2 is happy once again. ßM3 has nothing more to do with GF1, of course – and if ever she looks at him again with desire and longing, his true mate hisses and spits at the unfortunate outcast.
                The rains return too, and the plain is soon covered again with lush green grass, grazed by massive herds of antelopes and gazelles, come as if from nowhere – even the oldest in the tribe can’t remember them ever being as plentiful.
                A few months later GF1 gives birth to a little girl. Her old mother, crazier and lamer than ever, wants no part of it; the young woman quietly and sorrowfully abandons her child one night in the bush, far enough from the clearing for its cries not to be heard.

Scenario 2
                The kidnappers wander far away, into the distant marshlands, driven by hunger and by fear of running into the men whose women they have taken. But as time passes ßF2 gradually thinks less and less about her former mate and child – she realises on some level that she will never see them again. And soon she has a new child of her own to take care of – as does the other woman in this new tribe which is forming.
There is so much to do every day; and her new mate is a man too, after all. The past seems very far away now, out of reach, except sometimes, softened and transformed, in her dreams…
                ßM3 carries on searching for the men who stole his mate, but with less and less hope of finding them; gradually the agony of losing her changes into a tedious, droning ache. From time to time he still fucks GF1, though it brings him little enough joy. He’s inside her only physically – in himself he’s miles away, in a private world of rage and misery he has no way of naming or talking about.
                He becomes ever more reckless when out hunting, taking far too little care to avoid the large and hungry animals searching for the same dwindling prey as him. One day the inevitable happens, and he is attacked by a lion. Fortunately a companion – let’s call him ßM5 – is nearby at the time: together they manage to wound the animal enough to drive it away, but ßM3 is seriously injured, and the saintly but unwise ßM5 is killed.
                Some of the other men bring the young hunter back to the clearing, where his mother cares for him, bringing him water and licking his wounds clean. As he gradually recovers, he notices another young woman who frequently comes to see how he is, bringing him water or fruit. (GF1 has been around to see him too, of course, but he just growled at her threateningly, and his mother chased her away, hissing and spitting.)
                It’s ßF5, mate of the late and unlucky ßM5 – she’s taller and slimmer than his previous love, and seems bolder and more confident. Shortly afterwards, when he’s recovered from his wounds, they go into the bushes and mate; from then on they are a pair.
                Her embraces are more urgent and more intense than ßF2’s – sometimes she wraps her legs around him, digging her heels into his buttocks as if to force him deeper inside. Once or twice, when he stays in her long enough, she closes her eyes tight, gasps and shudders with pleasure.
                ßM3 has never known such joy with either of his previous women. He spends all the time with his new mate that can be spared from communal activities – and ten months or so later she gives birth to the first of many children, a little girl.
                ßM3 spends less and less time with the child of his first union, who has developed into a timid, frail little creature – his aged grandmother, 38 by our reckoning, finds his care more and more of a strain. When the boy dies of a whooping cough during the rainy season, ßM3 is hardly affected; all his energies are directed towards his new family.
                And, of course, he never even thinks about GF1, just as he never asked himself what she was up to when she left the clearing one still moonlit night, walking awkwardly, clutching her huge belly, out into the whispering, chattering bush, never to come back…